Maned Wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus
The sole species in its genus, the maned wolf is unlike other canids. It has extremely long legs making it the tallest of the wild dogs. Also known as the skunk wolf, it terriorial marking has a pungent odor.
Where to Find:
- South America in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, & Bolivia.
- Pantanal in Brazil is a great place to see them in the wild.
- Emas National Park
- San Diego Zoo and Smithsonian National Zoo
Conservation Status:
Near threatened due to habitat loss, road kills, domestic dogs, and hunting.
Interesting Facts:
- lone hunter unlike wolves, African wild dogs, and other large wild dog species
- looks like it walks on stilts giving it the nickname “fox on stilts”. These long legs are necessary to see in their long grass environment
- their name comes from a black mane along their head and neck which stands erect at the sign of danger
- leaves unique footprints due to their joined 3rd and 4th toes
- prone to getting Giant kidney worm
- leaf cutter ants use maned wolf dung in their gardens
Photo By: Spencer Wright
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September 22, 2019
Hermoso canido me gustaria ver sus huellas bien definidas fotos si puede ,y si no es molestia
Saludos Edgar