Financing Your Wilderness Vacations with Loans
Escaping to the great outdoors via a wilderness vacation is both refreshing and adventurous. Fresh air, breathtaking landscapes, and getting up close and personal with wildlife make for a truly rewarding getaway.
As many wilderness destinations are off the beaten track, getting to them as well as financing your way there can prove to be difficult. While some of us may have enough savings or have a career where we can quickly save money while planning a vacation, others may find this to not be an option.

Thankfully there are other options when it comes to taking that trip of a lifetime. Financial institutions and lenders have specialized vacation loans that you can use to finance your adventure. The more we put off achieving our bucket list items, the more we risk never experiencing them. As long as you are financially responsible, vacation loans can be a great option to take that dream trip when the timing may be perfect but you are struggling with financing it.
There are also many ways you can reduce the costs of your travels to aid you even more with your wilderness holiday.
How are Vacation Loans Different?
Vacation loans are similar to personal loans in that you borrow cash and repay the loan within an agreed period with interest. In fact, since lenders do not dictate what you do with your personal loan, you can easily take a personal loan and use it for your vacation.

There are a variety of vacation loans to choose from and each has different requirements and interest rates.
Secured Personal Loans for Vacations:
A secured loan involves collateral where the lender can take possession of something with value should you not repay the loan according to the terms agreed upon. You will generally be offered lesser interest rates with this type of loan as there is less risk to the lender.
Unsecured Vacation Loans:
An unsecured loan does not involve collateral, meaning if you default on your loan, the lender does not have an automatic right to take ownership of your property. This type of loan usually carries higher interest rates.
The eligibility criteria differ from one lender to another and in regards to which loan you’re after. Banks and other traditional financial institutions tend to issue loans to people with good credit scores. There are, however, payday vacation loans for people with not so perfect credit and these loans will generally have higher interest rates.

Getting the Best Vacation Loan Deal
Searching for loans online, you will find lenders will advertise their loan offer as being the best. Therefore, it is up to you to assess what’s on offer and decide what deal works the best for you. Consider the following factors to guide you:
Loan Interest
All loans are repaid with interest. However, you will find the interest rate varies depending on the type of loan and the lender you choose. There are also varying types of interests such as compound interest, fixed interest, and flexible interest.
A good figure to plan on when looking to acquire a loan for a two week vacation is around $5,000 which works well since you have the option to borrow up to this amount without having to get a credit check. This should cover transportation such as flights, accommodation, rental cars, food, and activities.
When negotiating the details of your $5,000 installment loan, ask for clarification about the interest you will be required to pay per installment and what that will add up to in total over the life of the loan.

Rates and Fees
Your loan’s interest rate is not the only thing to be aware of when searching for a loan. There may be additional fees or rates included with your loan which may not be obvious to you at first glance. Ask the loan agent to brief you on all applicable fees such as application fees and loan disbursement fees before you sign the loan documents.
Repayment Options
To some extent, the repayment plan determines the ease and speed with which you repay your loan. Negotiate for an installment amount that you can afford to part with every month. Also inquire whether you will be charged for an early or late repayment.
Installment Vacation Loans:
Installment loans allow you to make convenient installment payments and are therefore a good choice when you are not able to repay the loan amount in full quickly. This allows you to manage your everyday expenses without having to worry about acquiring a large chunk of money that could greatly impact your monthly budget.
Short Term Vacation Loans:
Short term loans work well when you know you will soon be receiving enough money to repay the borrowed amount quickly. This works well for those who dislike the feeling of owing money for an extended period of time and may motivate you to pay off your loan more quickly.
Make the most of your vacation loan
Like any other loan, you will have to pay off your vacation loan within the stipulated period. It is therefore a wise decision to decide what you are comfortable with borrowing before searching for a loan.
Don’t Borrow More Than You Need
Make an estimation of how much the trip will cost you and borrow just enough. Don’t create an unnecessary burden for yourself. If you can, use some of your savings and only use the loan to finance the rest of the money needed for your trip.
Read the Fine Print
You will be given more than one loan offer to choose from. Examine each of the offers carefully and check for any hidden charges and rates. Ask your lender to explain the total amount you will be required to pay.
Keep Track of Your Spending
Getting a sudden lump of money via a loan may make you feel like you have a lot of money which may lead to unnecessary spending. Create a responsible budget for your loan money and spend wisely.
Find Ways to Save
If you take out your loan far in advance of your trip, you might be able to book early bird cheap flights and accommodation. Upon arriving at your destination, seek out special offers and discounted packages on attractions or activities. Traveling during off peak season will also provide you with cheaper airfare and accommodation.
Loans vs Credit card
Using credit cards may be another option to fund your vacation but may not be an option for everyone. There are benefits and drawbacks to using a credit card for your travels.
Some credit cards have rewards points that you can redeem for flights or accommodation, as well as simply receiving cash back. Obtaining a credit card which has quality perks and the spending limit you need may, however, be difficult depending on your financial situation.

With credit cards comes flexibility of paying as you go as well as having a grace period before interest is added to your repayments. The rates of credits cards are often quite high and may fluctuate often, making it hard to budget for what you owe.
Although people with excellent credit ratings and therefore high credit spending limits may benefit from credit cards, those with poor credit may find it is a far better option to search for a lender that knows how to deal with such a situation and can get the amount you need for your travels.
Another good option may be to use credit cards in combination with a quality loan to fund your travels.
We all look forward to vacations for a much needed break in our monotonous lives. Escaping to the great outdoors allows us to detach from the stress of our jobs and busy cities where we can disconnect with technology and reconnect with our mind, body, and soul.
Don’t let financial stress stop you from taking a much needed break as there are many options which can fund your travels in a responsible and manageable way.
April 9, 2019
Well done dear. I like your point .thanks for sharing this post.