Divergent Series Star Arrested in North Dakota

Divergent Series Star Arrested in North Dakota

27880803852_ccdefd0300_hShailene Woodley, the star of the Divergent series and The Fault in Our Stars was arrested and charged with criminal trespass and engaging in a riot. It is no rarity to find young stars being arrested these days, however in this case Miss. Woodley should be honored for her arrest. She joined a large group of others including members of various Native American Indian tribes to protest the proposed the new Dakota Access Oil Pipeline.

The pipeline would stretch from the Dakotas to Illinois and not only greatly disturb the surrounding environment but also degrade and disrespect the tribal lands it would cut through. It would also bring about the possibility of water contamination should the pipeline burst as it would run under the Missouri river.

The benefit of the pipeline would of course be less dependence on other unstable nations for energy as well as bring in $156 million in sales and income taxes to state and local governments. It would also add a great number of jobs to the area.We must ask ourselves however if the money is worth a possible catastrophe in the future and the immediate destruction it will cause to the land and many of its inhabitants.


1,172 miles: Length of Dakota Access Pipeline

30 inches: Width of the pipeline

470,000: Barrels of crude oil to be moved daily

374.3 million: Equivalent gallons of gasoline per day

See full story here…

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Author: Michael Jerrard

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