Tips to Save Money When You Shop Online for Outdoor Equipment
Shopping for outdoor gear for your next camping trip or nature trek can be exciting, but it can also prove to be rather expensive if you’re not careful. Everything from the latest technical gear to a simple pair of hiking boots can set you back quite a bit of money depending on the brand name and products specs.
The good news is that there are ways in which you can save money on outdoor gear, especially when you choose to shop online. To help you save money so you can stay within your budget, we’ve gathered some of our key ways in which you can reduce the costs of your outdoor gear purchases when you shop online, whether you choose to use a credit card as payment or Buy Ethereum with Paybis and spend it directly with companies that accept cryptocurrency.
While some methods may be more effective than others, all are likely to at least save you a bit of money.

Save Money with Promo Codes
One of the easiest ways in which you can save money on outdoor gear is through the use of online promo codes. You will find there are numerous promo and discount codes that you can access online, which often offer substantial discounts or things like free shipping. When it comes to outdoor equipment retailers, there are all kinds of online discounts codes you can tap into including REI coupon codes.
These promo codes are not only free to obtain, but are also incredibly easy to apply during the checkout process when you’re making your online purchases. Promo codes for various companies are updated regularly and often have an expiration date to watch out for, so it’s best to jump on a large discount when it’s offered in order to score a discount.
Follow Companies on Social Media
You should also consider following your favorite outdoor equipment retailers on Facebook as well as across other social media platforms. This is a great way to access exclusive deals, offers, and promotions. In addition, this often allows you to be among the first to find out when there are special sale events taking place. You’ll also get to view social media posts that showcase all the latest gear and possibly get to read reviews from other outdoor enthusiasts that have already purchased certain items that you’re interested in.

Subscribe to Mailing Lists
When you visit the websites of your favorite outdoor equipment retailers, you will often be given the opportunity to subscribe to their mailing list. All you have to do is enter your email address and you’ll start to receive product updates along with information regarding upcoming sales or promotions. Many retailers will even send you an immediate discount offer as a thank you for subscribing and may also send you special unique discounts to use for your birthday each year. Most reputable companies won’t spam your inbox with lots of email, but if this does happen, you can quite easily unsubscribe from an email mailing list at any time.
Join Membership Programs
Some outdoor gear retailers also offer the opportunity to join a membership program. Some memberships may carry an annual or one-time fee, but you may be rewarded with a set discount on all purchases made throughout the year, special online coupons that are sent to you during the year, or a percentage back on all purchases that are returned to you in the form of a gift card you can use at the end of the financial year or membership anniversary.
If you’re a person that regularly shops for outdoor gear, the small membership fee may quickly pay for itself from the savings you will receive after your first few purchases. And some retailer’s membership programs carry no fees which make them a no-brainer to sign-up for.

Buy Second-Hand Gear
While it’s always nice to get equipped with brand new gear, you could potentially save a great deal of money by shopping online for used products. Whether you browse online auctions, online classified websites, or Facebook Marketplace, there are plenty of people who are looking to sell their used outdoor equipment. Often times, gear may have been used only once or a handful of times. Just make sure to only buy from trusted sellers which can be done by reading a seller’s reviews or feedback score which have been left by others buyers.
As an added bonus, you can often even negotiate down the listed price of used gear. When it comes to auctions, be sure to place your bids just before they are scheduled to end so as to not potentially drive the price up. You will also want to be aware of shipping charges which may be quite high for heavier items.
Even well-known outdoor gear retailers like REI have a devoted section on their website for used gear. They normally only hand-select returned items that are still in great condition. By purchasing gently used gear, you not only save money but also help do your part to keep the planet clean by keeping used items out of the landfill and instead giving them a life back in the real outdoors where they belong.

Choose to Rent Gear
If you only usually plan one or a few outdoor adventures each year, it may be wiser to simply rent your outdoor equipment online instead of purchasing it. There are a number of companies out there that rent everything from tents to snow skis. Not only will renting equipment be a cheaper option than buying, but it also allows you the opportunity to try out various brands before deciding to purchase them. You may find that a product you highly desired is actually not right for your individual needs.
Another benefit of renting gear online is that you are usually only charged for the time you actually use the gear and not for the time it takes for your gear to arrive in the mail added to the time you use it. If you find you really like the product you rented, you can sometimes even choose to purchase it outright, companies often applying the initial rental charge to your purchase.
Buy Gear During the Right Season
The cost of outdoor gear can also vary considerably depending on what time of the year it is. The best way to save money on gear is to buy it at the end of the season for any given outdoor recreational activity. That means you should purchase snow skis and puffy jackets at the end of the winter season and not at the beginning when items will be at their highest. Likewise, items like camping gear and golf clubs should be purchased in the late fall and not during the spring and summer months if you wish to save money. You can also take advantage of holiday sales, end of the season sales, and dates like Father’s Day when the prices of certain outdoor items may be significantly reduced.

As you can see, there are many ways you can enjoy great savings on outdoor gear and equipment purchased online. We hope our helpful tips allow you to get everything you need for your next outdoor adventure, while managing to stick within your budget.