Turkey’s Medical Tourism Boom
Medical tourism has really begun to take off recently, providing people with the opportunity to receive various medical procedures they desperately need or desire often at a fraction of what it would cost to get done in their home country.
One such medical procedure which people are heading abroad for is hair transplant surgery and one of the leading countries providing the procedure is Turkey. Here, travelers can undergo a Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE hair transplant at ultra-affordable prices due to the fact it is subsidized by the Turkish government. You’ll enjoy some of the highest quality facilities in the world where hair transplants are performed by leading surgeons.
If you’re experiencing baldness or thinning hair and are considering getting a hair transplant, read on to discover why looking into a hаir implants Turkey can provide you with may be the most effective and inexpensive way to go.

What is FUE Hair Transplant Treatment?
A FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure that is a permanent solution to hair loss. How it works is hair is transplanted via follicular unit grafts taken from the genetically stronger and more permanent areas of your scalp and then relocated to the bald or thinning areas.
Because the hair follicles are taken from areas of your head that are genetically resistant to hair loss such as the back and sides of your head, the treatment results in the transplanted hair being permanent.
FUE is an outpatient procedure that to date delivers the most advanced method of hair transplantation. It is carried out with local anesthetic and does not require the patient to get any stitches. Best of all it can be done in a single day.
Surgeons carefully harvest hair grafts consisting of around one to three hairs and then carefully implant them into the balding areas with precision so as the individual hairs will grow at the correct desired angles. When done correctly, the results looks natural and can help reconstruct your frontal hairline, restore crown areas, and fix scalp scarring. The procedure can also be done to restore beards, mustaches, and eyebrows.
Hair transplants range from just relocating a small number of hairs to a specific area to procedures that see thousands of hairs implanted into balding or thinning regions of the scalp. Because the procedure requires small incisions to be made in the scalp, there will be visible signs that you have undergone a transplant and you may wish to wear a hat or other head covering during the two weeks you’re healing. After just a few months, you will begin to notice new hair growth in the areas that were once bald or thinning.
FUE is one of the only proven methods to combat baldness and is great for restoring self-confidence. The key is to seek out a hair transplant company that doesn’t resort to cutting costs or hiring under-qualified doctors/nurses. Procedures performed by dodgy companies can result in skin infections, scarring, or unnatural-looking hair growth. This is why it pays to always do your research and select a reputable company with highly trained doctors.

Why Turkey is Leading the Charge in Hair Transplant Procedures
Medical tourism has become increasingly more popular thanks to rising healthcare costs in many nations. One of the most popular destinations for medical tourism has become Turkey, with reports that roughly 700,000 tourists visit the nation for medical procedures every year. One of the most sought after procedures that foreign tourists are seeking in Turkey are hair transplants.
One of the biggest reasons people are traveling to Turkey to get a hair transplant is the cost. While hair transplants can cost upwards of tens of thousands of dollars in places like the U.S. and U.K., the procedure can be done in Turkey for a fraction of the price. You could easily save 70%-90% off the treatment since hair transplants in Turkey can cost as little as $1,000-$2,000.
Hair transplants have become one of Turkey’s fastest-growing industries, with clinics popping up all around major cities like Istanbul. Competition for your business is stiff, leading to competitive pricing which benefits medical tourists. It is said that up to 500 hair transplant surgeries are performed in Turkey each week.
What’s unique about getting a hair transplant in Turkey is that it is most often part of a larger package deal that includes many great perks. Clinics will arrange and include a 5-star hotel for you for two nights, the night before and after your procedure. They will also usually include complimentary private airport transfers and transport to and from the clinic on the day of your procedure. Also included are translator or interpreter services, a lifetime warranty certificate, and aftercare medical assistance after your procedure while continuing your travels in Turkey.
List of Top Places You Can Visit in Istanbul During Your Hair Transplant Procedure
Medical tourism not only allows you to get a much needed procedure at an affordable rate, but it also gives you an excuse to enjoy a relaxing holiday either before or after your procedure.
Turkey is easily accessible, especially from European nations, and offers a wide range of attractions and activities to enjoy during your visit. Hair transplant patients generally choose to extend their trip and explore Turkey while they’re there. It’s also advisable that hair transplant patients remain in close proximity to the clinic for a few weeks until they fully recover in case there are any complications or concerns.
The best thing about hair transplants is that they don’t generally restrict the things you can do while you’re recovering. That means you’ll be free to explore cities like Istanbul to discover the many iconic landmarks that lure travelers from all around the world every year. Here are some of the top places to check out in Istanbul if you happen to be getting your procedure done in the city.
Bluе Mosque
Gеt tо knоw mоrе аbоut Iѕtаnbul’ѕ раѕt during thе rеign оf thе Ottоmаn Emрirе аѕ уоu tоur thе Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. Thiѕ fаmоuѕ аttrасtiоn iѕ situated in Sultаnаmеt, whiсh iѕ thе сitу’ѕ hiѕtоriсаl diѕtriсt. The mosque features multiрlе dоmеѕ and six minarets , whiсh together serve аѕ a diѕtinсt ѕуmbоl оf thе сitу’ѕ Islamic раѕt. Thе mоѕԛuе wаѕ commissioned by Sultan Ahmet I at just 19 years of age. He would only get to enjoy the completed mosque for one year before his early death at the age of 27. The mosque is frequented bу wоrѕhiрреrѕ every day and gоt itѕ more commonly used nаmе frоm the roughly 20,000 bluе аnd whitе patterned tiles that dесоrаtе thе mоѕԛuе. The interior is beautifully lit with two hundred and sixty windows.

Topkapı Pаlасе
This World Heritage Site iѕ оnе of thе mоѕt imроrtаnt historical рlасеѕ in Iѕtаnbul. Built bу Sultan Mеhmеt thе Cоnԛuеrоr in 1478, thе palace was thе mаin сеntеr whеrе ѕultаnѕ livеd аnd governed fоr 400 уеаrѕ. Tорkарı Pаlасе now acts as a public museum where visitors can witness a number of important rooms and chambers like the Ottoman Imperial Harem where as many as 300 concubines once lived. Also on display is one of the world’s largest diamonds, the Spoonmaker’s Diamond, as well as the Topkapı Dagger.
The museum houses Ottoman-era weapons, religious relics, and manuscripts. At roughly 400,000 square meters, Topkapı is one of the world’s largest and oldest palaces, once housing around 4,000 to 5,000 individuals. It also housed the Imperial Mint which minted early Ottoman coinage.

Hаgiа Sорhiа
Yоur viѕit tо Iѕtаnbul would not bе соmрlеtе withоut a triр tо the Hagia Sорhiа. Thiѕ dоmеd mоnumеnt iѕ fаmоuѕ fоr itѕ осhrе соlоr, whiсh wаѕ originally the largest Christian church of the Bуzаntinе Emрirе. It wаѕ trаnѕfоrmеd intо a mоѕԛuе whеn thе Ottоmаn еmрirе conquered thе city. Whаt mоѕt реорlе find fаѕсinаting аbоut thе ѕtruсturе iѕ its оrnаtе intеriоr, whiсh iѕ еmbеlliѕhеd with a blend of Iѕlаmiс саlligrарhiс roundels аnd Chriѕtiаn mоѕаiсѕ.
Columns from the Temple of Artemis were used in the Hagia Sophia’s contruction and the original dome needed to be replaced after it was destroyed by an earthquake in the year 558. Hagia Sophia was eventually converted into a museum by the founder of modern Turkey and its first president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk .

Thе Bаѕiliса Ciѕtеrn
There are hundreds of ancient cisterns beneath the streets of Istanbul but the Bаѕiliса Ciѕtеrn is the largest and most famous. Constructed during the Byzantine Empire, the Basilica Cistern is situated just across the street from the Hagia Sophia. Once used to provide a water source for the emperor’s palace, it was later forgotten about for centuries until its rediscovery by a Frenchman.
Today, visitors can head underground to witness the hundreds of Ionic and Corinthian columns that support the brick roof. Another highlight is the inverted Medusa pillar bases. The Basilica Cistern was further popularized after is appearance in several films including James Bond and the film adaptation of Dan Brown’s Inferno with Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to visit Istanbul and we haven’t even touched on other areas and attractions of Turkey such as Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Mount Nemrut, Aspendos, and the Sumela Monastery.
So whether you’re thinking of getting a hair transplant and want to take advantage of the professional low-cost procedures available in Turkey or simply want to tour the country to take in all it has to offer, make an effort to see this incredible country that spans two continents.